Kara's Cures
Kara’s Cures: Emmy Award-winning journalist Kara Sundlun uncovers simple ways to help us lead happier, healthier lives with interviews from experts on the cutting edge of wellness from credible sources.
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300 episodes
KARA'S CURES: Embracing the Cold
Psychologist Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare talks about how embracing the cold is good for your mental health.
KARA'S CURES: Gut Health
Carley Smith, AKA the Fairy Gutmother, is a certified gut and psychology syndrome practitioner. She talks about nutrition and gut health.
KARA'S CURES: Mental Health Guidelines for the New Year
Psychologist Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare shares mental health guidelines for the new year.
Questions for Leading a Meaningful Life
Transformational coach Marni Battista talks about her new book "Your Radical Living Challenge: 7 Questions for Leading a Meaningful Life."
KARA'S CURES: Mood Busters
Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare talks about mood buster techniques to get you through the holidays.
KARA'S CURES: Holistic Hacks to Beat Winter Sickness
Naturopathic Dr. Artemis Morris shares some holistic hacks to beat winter sickness.
KARA'S CURES: How to Deal with Rude Comments by Friends or Relatives
Child psychologist Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare shares how to deal with friends or relatives who make rude comments during holiday celebrations.
KARA'S CURES: Unlocking Your Purpose: Breathwork, Intuition, and Flow State
Author Francesca Sipma talks about her new book, Unlocking Your Purpose: Breathwork, Intuition, and Flow State.
KARA'S CURES: Balancing Work and Self-Care
CBS Sports reporter Tracy Wolfson talks about how she balances work and self-care during her busy football season.
KARA'S CURES: Best Supplements to help with Menopause
Perimenopause and menopause are really transformative times for women. Issues like weight gain, mood changes, and an inability to sleep can arise. Functional medicine Dr. Jennifer Stagg shares some of the best supplements that can support women...
KARA'S CURES: How Relationships Impact Our Well Being
Dr. Kimberly Horn, research psychologist, talks about how healthy relationships can keep us young and protect our mental health.
KARA'S CURES: How Almost Dying Changes Your Life
Win Ford, a local educator at Avon Old Farms, speaks about how nearly dying from a rear disease impacts your life.
KARA'S CURES: Spiritual Health
Dr. Lisa Miller, a clinical psychologist and New York Times best-selling author, talks about maintaining your spiritual health.
KARA'S CURES: Youth Substance Abuse
Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare talks about youth substance abuse.
KARA'S CURES: Happy High Achiever
How to be a happy high achiever and stop the burnout, with Dr. Mary Anderson. Anderson is a licensed clinical psychologist and author.
KARA'S CURES: Getting into College without the Stress
College counselor Lauren Drazen shares what parents and kids need to really know about getting into college in this new era.
Shredding the Silence on Menopause
Tamsen Fadal, executive producer of 'The M Factor: Shredding the Silence on Menopause,' talks about the moving changing how women are taken care of.
Talking to Teens about Vaping
Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare's Institute of Living shares some advice on how to talk to your teens about vaping.
KARA'S CURES: Holistic Breast Health
Naturopathic Dr. Artemis Morris discusses holistic breast health. Connecticut ranked fourth in the nation in breast cancer screening rates for women 40 and older in 2022.
KARA'S CURES: The Science of Successful Relationships
Yale happiness researcher Emma Seppala talks about the science of successful relationships and how to get along in these turbulent times.
KARA'S CURES: Alcohol and Your Gut Health
Description: Dr. Jennifer Stagg, a naturopathic physician, describes how staying sober can improve your overall health... and your gut.
Regulating your Nervous System After Childhood Trauma
Anna Runkle aka the crappy Childhood Fairy talks about her new book, "Re-Regulated: Set Your Life from Childhood PTSD and the Trauma-Driven Behaviors That Keep You Stuck."
How To Have Those Tough Talks With Your Child
Dr. Laura Saunders from Hartford HealthCare's Institute of Living discusses how to speak to children about tough topics.